Publications and downloads
Information for e-Invoice
Guideline for invoicing and contribution/transmission
To support affiliates of the federal government in the implementation of the requirements of an e-Invoice for the public sector a guideline for invoicing and contribution/transmission was developed.
The guideline reflects the essential information available of e-Invoices for the public sector on the site and provides information about the legal framework, the optimal implementation variant as well as all necessary technical and organizational measures for the implementation.
- Step by step summary for the generation/submission of an e-Invoice (PDF) (short version)
- Manual for Invoicing and Submitting (PDF, long version)
- Step by Step-Zusammenfassung für die Erstellung/Einbringung einer e-Rechnung (PDF)
- Leitfaden für die Rechnungsstellung und -einbringung (PDF)
Additional documents
Technical downloads
On this page you can find all available downloads for the technical implementation of
Adapted ebInterface schemas of the federal government
The following list contains downloads of all modified ebInterface schemas of the federal government
Note: beside these XSD files you also need other XSD files which you can find only in the original ebInterface schemas! The original ebInterface schemas can be downloaded at (at the menu item "XML Rechnungsstandard")
- ebInterface 4.3 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2016-12-14)
- ebInterface 5.0 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2018-04-06)
- ebInterface 6.0 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2020-05-15)
- ebInterface 6.1 XML schema of the federal government (last update: 2022-09-09)
Example files
The following list contains all example files which correspond to the rules of the federal government. These files are also used at Explain file.
- ebInterface 4.3 example file (last update: 2016-12-14)
- ebInterface 4.3 example file for final settlements (last update: 2016-12-14)
- ebInterface 5.0 example file (last update: 2018-04-06)
- ebInterface 6.0 example file (last update: 2020-05-15)
- ebInterface 6.1 example file (last update: 2022-09-09)
- UBL invoice example file (last update: 2014-03-05)
- UBL credit memo example file (last update: 2014-03-05)
Web service V1.2 files
The following list contains all required files for the web service V1.2 call.
Last update: 2017-09-18 - an unneeded maximum length specification was removed
- erb-in-invoice-122.wsdl WSDL file
Web service V2.0 files
The following list contains all required files for the web service V2.0 call.
Last update: 2017-05-30 - documentation update
- erb-in-invoice-201.wsdl WSDL file
Web service callback files
The following list contains all required files for the web service callback V1.0.
Last update: 2016-01-28 - renamed the file
- erb-out-invoice-callback-100.wsdl WSDL file
The TLS server certificates to be expected for the Webservice delivery can be downloaded here:
- PEM file with the full TLS certificate chain for (valid from 2025-02-19 until 2026-01-09 - update 2025-01-28)
The client certificates used for the webservice callback can be downloaded here:
- erb-prod.pem PEM file for (production - valid until 2026-06-11 - update 2021-06-18)
- erb-test.pem PEM file for (test - valid until 2028-08-08 - update 2023-08-08)
- Official ebInterface 6.0 page
- Official ebInterface ≤ 5.0 page
- Official ebInterface forum
- Official list of ebInterface implementation partners & products
- Official Peppol/OpenPeppol page
- Official OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC page
- Peppol practical - practical tips and tricks for Peppol implementers