Sa., 18.01.2025 ab ca. 6:00 bis So., 19.01.2025 ca. 23:00 Uhr
Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten steht im angegebenen Zeitraum E-RECHNUNG.GV.AT nicht durchgehend zur Verfügung. Bitte schließen Sie vorher Ihre Rechnungen ab.
Invoice data
According to section 11 UStG the following Invoice data must be provided:
- Addressor (denomination, address, e-mail-address, if needed UID number* (VATIN), optional contact details)
- Recipient (denomination, possibly department, address, if needed UID number* (VATIN), optional contact details)
- Invoice number
- Invoice date
- Delivery date or service period
- Optional payment conditions (if they are not indicated, "immediately due" is applied)
- Overall amounts (pre-tax, after-tax, value-added tax)
* By an invoiced amount greater than € 400 the UID number (VAT registration number) of the biller must be indicated. By an invoiced amount greater than €10.000 also the UID number of the invoice recipient must be indicated. If biller and/or invoice recipients do not own a UID number, the value "ATU00000000" (8 times zero) is to be entered.
Additionally the following Invoice data must be provided:
- Payment data (either bank details with IBAN or SEPA Direct Debit Scheme)
- Data for the charged commodity/effort (name of the item, amount, unit, unit price, VAT rate)
- Optional legal status, registered business address, business registration number, and so on (pursuant to section 14 UGB)
Special content for invoices to the federal government
For an invoice to a federal government institution the following additional information has to be given:
Special content for invoices to other invoice recipients
For an invoice to an other invoice recipient the following additional information has to be given: