Sa., 18.01.2025 ab ca. 6:00 bis So., 19.01.2025 ca. 23:00 Uhr
Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten steht im angegebenen Zeitraum E-RECHNUNG.GV.AT nicht durchgehend zur Verfügung. Bitte schließen Sie vorher Ihre Rechnungen ab.
Invoice recipients
Via it is possible to transmit electronic invoices to the federal government and to connected institutions of the other public sector.
Invoice Recipients of the federal Government
Based on the provisions of Section 5 of the Austrian ICT Consolidation Act (IKTKonG), the Austrian federal government only accepts electronic invoices (e-Invoices) for the provision of goods and services. The federal government institutions are in general:
- All ministries and their subordinated administrative offices
- The Parliament
- The office of the federal president
- The higher administrative court
- The constitutional court
- The Austrian ombudsman board
- The court of audit
The list of all federal ministries and subordinate departments can be found here.
Other Invoice Recipients
A detailed listing of all other invoice recipients connected to, is also available.
Currently there exists no legal obligation to send e-Invoices to the other invoice recipients that are not part of the federal government.