Sa., 18.01.2025 ab ca. 6:00 bis So., 19.01.2025 ca. 23:00 Uhr
Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten steht im angegebenen Zeitraum E-RECHNUNG.GV.AT nicht durchgehend zur Verfügung. Bitte schließen Sie vorher Ihre Rechnungen ab.
Delivery via web service
The Unternehmensservice Portal (USP – offers a web service for the delivery of e-Invoices to the Austrian public sector. With this you can transmit automatically all in your system generated e-Invoices (in all supported formats) along with attachments in an easy way directly to the Austrian public sector. This is particularly useful if you often generate structured invoice files in your system, whereas manual uploading would be too time-consuming. During the transmission an authenticated login to the USP is performed automatically by the web service.
In order to accept e-Invoices in our system, certain criteria must be met. Some of these criteria (e.g. file format, mandatory fields) are verified automatically at the transmission. In case of error the transmission will be aborted and you will get a direct response. After a successful transmission other requirements (e.g. reference data for the order) are verified. In case of success you will receive a generated delivery confirmation in format PDF per e-mail or web service callback for every transmitted e-Invoice. In case of error (e.g. the invoice cannot be assigned automatically) you will be informed for each e-Invoice per e-mail or via the web service callback about the reasons. In this case the respective e-Invoice is considered not accepted. Please note that an electronic invoice cannot be altered during or after the transmission.
In order to technically verify your generated e-Invoices and your implemented web service you have the possibility to transmit an e-Invoice for test purposes. These transmitted e-Invoices are not processed any further. If your invoice contains technical errors you will be notified with corresponding error messages.
You have to register your own USP user for the web service. The credentials of this USP user must be stored once at the first call of the web service. For technical details how to transmit e-Invoices along with attachments, please see Webservice V1.2 or Webservice V2.0. Additionally, there is also a validation service for SOAP-Requests available under the menu item Test SOAP-Messge.