Sa., 18.01.2025 ab ca. 6:00 bis So., 19.01.2025 ca. 23:00 Uhr
Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten steht im angegebenen Zeitraum E-RECHNUNG.GV.AT nicht durchgehend zur Verfügung. Bitte schließen Sie vorher Ihre Rechnungen ab.
Irrespective of the type of submission, up to 200 attachments (e.g. service records, delivery confirmations, delivery notes) with a total sum of max. 15 MB can be submitted electronically together with the e-Invoice.
The following formats are allowed:
- PNG for images
- XLS und XLSX for Excel files
- XML for structured e-Invoices in other formants
- PDF for all other documents
The formats will be checked both by the file extension (e.g. ".pdf"") as well as on the basis of the file content. If an invalid attachment is transmitted so the entire invoice is rejected.
Attachments to uploaded or online form e-Invoices can be added in the browser. With the button Add attachments (optional) you can select files from your local computer and add them to the invoice.
Attachments to web service transmitted e-Invoices must be embedded in the web service message. Please use the element <Attachment>
(Webservice V1.2) resp. <EmbeddedAttachment>
(Webservice V2.0) for each attachment.
Relevant attachments
Invoice relevant attachments are e.g.:
- Invoices, replies, verdicts, contracts
- Documents issued in respect of direct purchases with electronic cash registers (department stores, supermarkets and gas stations)
- Documents proving receipt or outgoing payment which are issued manually in accordance with the commercial practice
- Documents proving an outgoing payment e.g. documents from invoice blocks for provided services of a third party e.g. when shopping in markets or at direct marketing shopping
- Documents proving a payment receipt; e.g. documents related to a direct payment of a ticket to an organ of the road supervision or documents issued as part of a cash payment entrance by a paying agent.