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Connection to PVP
This page explains the specifics of transmitting e-Invoices via PVP. The PVP can only be used by public facilities.
The connection of to PVP is a special kind of the usage of Business Service Portal (USP). A connection with USP or with PVP is mandatory.
The website can be used by two different ways as follows by the public sector institutions.
- Base Portal: For integration of the e-invoice functions into your base portal, please contact, for we can provide you with the appropriate LDAP LDIF-Files. Further information you will find in the PVP document (PVP-BHB - see below).
- Portal Austria (PAT): For establishing a connection via PVP, please write an e-mail containing the name of the responsible portal administrator to Please indicate the regarding organisation and if needed for which organisational unit the user shall be authorised. Please let us know, if the user shall have additional rights for subordinate organisational units, otherwise the user will be only authorised for the named organisation. The portal-administrator can only be authorised by us. Further users are to be authorised by the administrator using PAS (Portal Austria Service).
Basically the description on the Webservice site is effective for e-Invoicing by PVP-Webservice as well. The differences are listed below:
- Generally
- The usage of the WS-Security Header (WSSE) is not necessary
- Webservice V1.2 specific
- The endpoint address of the productive web service is
- The endpoint address of the test web service is
- The endpoint address of the productive web service is
- Webservice V2.0 specific
- The endpoint address of the productive web service is
- The endpoint address of the test web service is
- The endpoint address of the productive web service is
Note: Only PVP 1.9 is supported
Note: Currently PVP only is supported as HTTP. Support of SOAP-Headers is work in progress.
Note: For SOAP Tester a WSSE header is required.
- PVP-BHB (PDF, 0.2MB)