Sa., 18.01.2025 ab ca. 6:00 bis So., 19.01.2025 ca. 23:00 Uhr
Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten steht im angegebenen Zeitraum E-RECHNUNG.GV.AT nicht durchgehend zur Verfügung. Bitte schließen Sie vorher Ihre Rechnungen ab.
Factoring or assignment
One form of financing is e.g. the possibility to sell accounts receivables to a bank (factoring via a factoring bank) or to assign them (assignment). This may also affect accounts receivables to federal government departments.
Such invoices need to contain a note regarding the effected sale or assignment as well as the respective payment information (BIC and IBAN of the factoring bank). The invoice needs to be paid to the stated payment recipient (factoring bank) provided that there is no levy debt to be settled (special message procedure – in this case the outstanding tax is paid to the tax office).
For such invoices please note the following:
- The ebInterface field
(additional text) must contain the note on the sale or assignment of the accounts receivables as the first information. - The supplier number (invoice recipients biller ID) of the contracting partner of the federal government needs to be stated.
- The payment data need to state BIC and IBAN of the respective payment recipient (factoring bank)