Sa., 18.01.2025 ab ca. 6:00 bis So., 19.01.2025 ca. 23:00 Uhr
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Information for transmission to other invoice recipients
In the interest of benefiting from synergies, the features required for submitting e-Invoices within the scope of the e-Invoice clearing service are also to be made available to other public sector agencies (e.g. provinces, municipalities, cities). At present, contracting partners are not obliged to submit e-Invoices, for example, to provinces, cities or municipalities.
The provision of a central technical system as well as one single mode of submission for e-Invoices to the entire public sector is to give contracting partners the opportunity to use their available e-Invoicing solutions (developed for the federal government) for a broader group of recipients, thereby lowering their administrative costs even more. The parties of other invoice recipients will be integrated in a step-by-step manner.
The EU Directive 2014/55/EU obliges all Member States to ensure that contracting authorities and contracting entities are unable to refuse the acceptance of electronic invoices since April 18th 2019. With the provision of the process of the federal solution for other invoice recipients the technical prerequisites for the rapid and simple implementation on this EU-directive are already in place now. An obligation for the contracting partners for the transmission of e-Invoices to other public sector agencies does not arise thereby. According to the BVergG 2018, non-primary purchasers need to have to implement the regulation until 12 months later, i.e. by 18 April 2020.