Sa., 18.01.2025 ab ca. 6:00 bis So., 19.01.2025 ca. 23:00 Uhr
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Order reference of the other invoice recipients
The order reference is a technical invoice address and for that an essential part of The order reference controls the mapping to the correct recipient and the processing of the submitted e-Invoice in the contracting authority system.
The order reference is solely issued by the contracting authority ( support as well as the USP hotline cannot give any information) and can be composed as follows:
- At least a 3 digit alphanumerical value, e.g.
(recipient identification)- The slash at the end is mandatory and must always be contained
- The invoice lines do not have to contain order position numbers
- This value automatically links the e-Invoice to the recipient
- At least a 3 digit alphanumerical value with an additional internal reference, e.g.
Z0/internal reference
(recipient identification/internal reference)- The recipient identification and the internal reference must be separated with a slash ("/") without any whitespace
- The internal reference can be for instance a reference number, a contract number or an order number
- The invoice lines do not have to contain order position numbers
- The recipient identification automatically links the e-Invoice to the recipient
- The internal reference serves the case worker of the contracting authority to link the e-Invoice to the order. It must not be longer than 50 characters.
Note: for states, cities and municipalities the usage of the so called "Verwaltungskennzeichen" (VKZ) is the proposed recipient identification.